This year didn't begin under the best of circumstances, but with the best of intentions and hope.
Many lessons where learned and some not, but regardless what is done is done.
I'm happy to have just made it this far...
You learn to be okay with what you have and to reach for what you don't.
Enjoy the little ones who are always warm and ready to cuddle in bed.
To enjoy simple string pleasures.
And though the sounds of yesterday, last week, last month, several months... ago may not be the same change can bring positives.
Sometimes seeing things through different eyes will open up a world of new grand possibilities
And sometimes not so good.
Just never forget the ones who love you.
... little ones included
Then there are the fresh and new who enter your life
Sometimes the new change is needed
it doesn't mean the old is forgotten
Some sweetnesses never sours
And some does
But in odd moments great things can happen
And though some memories may be lost to time
The amazing way they made you feel can never been taken away
Just knowing that you existed in that moment surrounded by great company...
Well the moment of perfection was worth a string of painful months to come
but we aren't there yet.
Some dreams will sit and wait possible lifetimes for my finishing touches
And some dreams would never fly over the playa like they where intended to
Sometimes the most surprising of friends will stick by your side...
Even if they look like child molesters
There really always is a new horizons waiting to loom up over the ashes of what's lost
No matter how bad people perceive you to be, I always have two souls who will wait and love me unconditionally
In times of trails, my creativity takes on drug attributes
Good people and good times are great at numbing too
As are weeds
Then wrenches get thrown into the machine and before you know it you are spinning out of control
Things happen
Things change
but whether good or bad,
change can bring us closer to where we want to be
it can bring us closer to amazing friends...
friends we never knew and events we never experienced
some friends we sort of knew
and some who have been there our whole lives
When you use your love
some creativity
and a little bit of silliness
you begin to see and soar
You aren't bound by norms
and you learn that it's okay to dance when the world is watching
when I create, I break through my shell and share my love and art with all my friends
and try to reconnect with lost ones
Sometimes originally perceived mistakes
are the greatest joys in our lives
Just apply yourself correctly and force the mean hateful entities into the dark,
and let you thrive
Create the new
and deal with the trails
Problems can surprise you, but those same problems can lead you to new out of world souls
Things don't always work out the way we plan
and you can be forced from
your only home,
your only comfort,
and your only hope.
Life isn't always easy
Betrails will happen when enemies take off their friendly masks.
People can say hateful words that may not break your bones but break your heart.
Just keep looking forward
ex out the bad
and over indulge in the good
intoxicate in art and numb the negative
Enjoy what you have
Because sometime bad things happen to amazing people
Just stay by their side and by your family's side...
just love each other
Know what is important
Live with who you are on your shelves
Because sometimes blanket walls open the most magically of doors
The sours will drive into time
and home will suddenly just be a notion of comfort rather than a location
Enjoy what little time is left because you never know when the unexpected happens
When simple Sis love isn't an everyday thing
When the simple love of baking and cooking isn't an everyday thing
Enjoy it while it lasts
Because precious things, moments, and people...
well they don't last forever.
But no matter where we go the pursuit of happiness is always the drive.
And sometimes all the hardships and pain surprise you
and you achieve dreams.
dreams you never thought would form
Sometimes dreams do come true
and I dream of love
Good things happen and good people follow
But we always must wake up... just remember what you learned and what is important
Old friends mix into new experiences
And new experiences into old friends
Though the future is ever changing in possibilities, it is positivity I keep in mind.
Because you never know when the next obstacle is waiting around the corner. It really scares me to feel powerless to stop some evils but in the right state of mind even the biggest of problems can be tamed kittens.
For a year that brought such amazing achievements, it also found such disappointing lows. Lows that I did and am still overcoming, and lows that I have yet to be realized. However, it's the good I choose to dewell on. I can truly pluck the most beautiful of times directly from my heart and bring myself to joyful tears over the people and events I have been so very fortunate to have encountered this year. Every delectable moment did not come without effort and in some cases gritty hurt. Nothing worth obtaining, however, never came without a bit of pain and even heartbreak. But, I am still here, am I not? For me... well, that's an achievement that is greater than anyone will ever know. Most will never see the full extent of my courage and I am set myself to discover what I am capable of overcoming. I am scared but I am ready.
What a test these 12 months have been...
but what a beautiful dream at the same time.
Now as 2010 come to its end, I hope to emancipate myself from the evils of the year, hug the great memories and people I've encountered close to my heart, and hold myself up...
tomorrow is a new day I plan on seeing.
Thank you
and much love